Sunday, December 11, 2011

Vocabulary Hits, Part One

Hello Class,

The words you have been choosing for your vocabulary assignments have been very high-level and applicable to the literature we have studying, so I put together a list of my favorites to share.  Take the time to look this list over.  It contains exactly the level of language you are likely to find on the exam, and there are many words here that you can begin using in your own writing.

Vocabulary Hits, Volume 1, Number 1

Friday, December 9, 2011

Online Poetry Glossary (Or, Here, Have Your Weekend Back)

While I always encourage a lazy Saturday afternoon spent in your local library, I realize some may have made other plans for their weekend.  And so, to help you with this week's vocabulary assignment, here is a place to begin your poetry vocabulary scavenger hunt:

If you missed class on Friday, this is your newest vocabulary assignment.  It is due Tuesday, December 13.

Poetry Vocabulary Assignment #1

Thursday, December 8, 2011

George Herbert Constructed Responses

In case you missed it, here is your constructed response assignment due tomorrow (12/9):

Considering literary techniques such as imagery and diction, write a constructed response analyzing the relationship of the speaker to rules and restrictions.

And for extra credit, you may do this one as well:

Analyze the poem "Love (III)" by George Herbert using the TP-CASTT method. Then, answer this question: How does the speaker's relationship with Love shift over the course of the poem? Consider literary techniques such as personification and symbolism in your analysis.

The website is an excellent resource for all things poetry.  Here is their profile of Herbert: