Sunday, April 22, 2012

AP Literature Terms

This is the beginning of a glossary we will create together in the next few weeks.  You can give me new entries as alternative tutoring assignments (if you are not taking the test) or for extra credit.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Alternative Tutoring Assignment

If you are not taking the test, and you did not come to tutoring, please complete this assignment to replace that classwork credit.

Go to one of the following links, and choose a word.  Make a Word Wall card that defines that word in your own words.  In addition, hand in your definition with an example of the element or technique being used in literature.  Explain how the text illustrates your word.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Vulgar Tongues: The Urban Dictionary of 1811

This will not help you on the AP Literature exam, but I will give kudos to anyone who can spread some 1811 urban slang into the Lincoln vernacular.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Good News for People Who Read the Blog!

You can do well on tomorrow's essay if you have read up to Chapter 5.  You may read to Chapter 8, but it is not required.