Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Questions for 11/18 Read20 (Catherine Earnshaw: Mother and Daughter)

1.       Key Details: According to Gold, why does Catherine die?  Explain in your own words, using evidence from the article.

2.       Vocabulary:  1.  Use context to construct a definition of “sublimated.”  (HINT:  What does “sub-” mean in other words?  2.  Choose a word you think you could use in your own writing.  Use it in a sentence analyzing the book.

3.       Inferences and Connections: According to Gold, how do younger Catherine’s two marriages achieve different things?

4.       Point and Purpose:  How does Freudian criticism help us to understand Wuthering Heights?  Use evidence from the article in your answer.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Helpful Website for Wuthering Heights

The creator of this website has put a lot of time into thinking about this novel!  You may find his work useful:


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

2014-15 AP Literature Course Outline

Here's what we'll be covering this year in AP Literature:

Unit 1: Using Literary Elements in Analytical Writing

We'll read Kate Chopin's The Awakening (1899) and learn a boatload of literary elements and devices (selection of detail, structure, narrative technique, dramatic irony, and so many more!)  You'll also learn the basics of writing literary analysis, which is the type of writing expected of you on the exam.

Unit 2:  Pre-19th-Century Poetry

We'll learn the tricks of the trade for poets working before 1800.  These poems are not as indecipherable as they appear, but you need to learn to think like these poets did, and understand what was important to them interms of both language and ideas.  To get some idea of what kind of poetry I'm talking about, look up John Donne.

Unit 3:  19th-Century Novels

We'll most likely read a novel by Charles Dickens.  Novelists in the 19th-century wrote long sentences, so we'll be practicing "sentence stamina" - sticking with a long sentence until you've unraveled its meaning.  Authors from this period often turn up in MC passages and in the prose essay on the exam, so it's important to be familiar with their stylistic habits.

Unit 4: Shakespeare

Shakespeare, because in 400 years no one has outdone him - according to common wisdom, he remains the greatest playwright of all time, perhaps the greatest writer.  We'll find out what all the fuss is about!  He also writes in a combination of prose and poetry, allowing us to hone our skills in both.

Unit 5:  Modern Poetry

More recent poetry usually uses more straight-forward vocabulary, but their innovative uses of structure, imagery and connotative meaning are integral to meaning, and require a different interpretative approach.  So, we'll spend some time with modern poetry in the early spring.  To get a sense of this type of poetry, look up Mary Oliver or Seamus Heaney.

Unit 6:  Contemporary Literature

In the 20th-century, many authors became bored with the typical "hero solves a problem" narrative approach.  We'll read Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man (1952) to get just a taste of how 20th-century authors adapted the novel to respond to the world around them in new ways.

Throughout the entire course, we will be practicing strategies for answering multiple choice.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Read20 Questions from May 27, 2014

Key Details
Why does Eagleton say the process of finding meaning is "circular"?
How does the fact that every sign is necessarily reproducible affect meaning?
Eagleton says "any such transcendental meaning is a fiction"? Define transcendental in this context.
Why do some scholars say speaking is more pure in meaning than writing? Explain Eagleton's response.
Connections and Inferences
What are two important consequences of post-structuralist theory? Explain them in your own words!
Does Mitchell's text seem to challenge or affirm the basic tenets of post-structuralism? Explain.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Questions for Cloud Atlas - from 5/15 Class

First, choose one of the genres Mitchell uses in the text.

1.  What markers of the genre does Mitchell include to make you know the type of story you are seeing?

2.  In what ways is he possibly poking fun at the genre?  What seems exaggerated and “camp”*?

3. Where does Mitchell breathe life into the genre and invite us to take it seriously?  What does he use the genre to show about people/life?

*deliberately exaggerated and theatrical in style, typically for humorous effect

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April Break Homework (Due Wed 4/23)

1.     Reading Records
Fill out two reading records thoroughly on two books we have read this year.  You may choose any two from this list:  The Awakening, Great Expectations, Oedipus Rex, King Lear, Invisible Man.

2.     Vocabulary
Review all vocabulary.  Be prepared to take a vocabulary test.  This vocabulary test also requires you to be freshly familiar with two texts from the class.

3.     Essay

Write your BEST possible essay on the prose prompt.  Handwrite it in 45 minutes.  This should be test-quality.  Remember: clear, complex claim, 1:1 rule, variety of literary elements, and strong topic sentences that easily guide the reader through your thinking.

Do the SECOND prompt from this test.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Summary from 4/2 (Due 4/7)

How and why has Invisible Man's view of history changed?  Explain using at least two specific textual details.

Consider these sections:  end of Ch 17, 403-408, 438-444.  These sections alone are sufficient to answer the question, but you are encouraged to use any other evidence you believe is relevant.

4/1 Read20 Questions

Information and Essentials

What pattern does the author notice in IM's adventures?

What are two examples of this pattern?


Choose one of the words from your vocabulary list. Use it in an original sentence about Invisible Man.

Choose one transition you admire and use it in an original sentence about Invisible Man.

Inferences and Connections

IM's encounter with Brockway and his reactions to Clifton's death are both turning points. To what extent are they similar? How does the second turning point represent a new understanding?

Point and Purpose

What are TWO tensions that Ras and the Brotherhood represent? Explain using evidence.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Extra Credit - Due 4/6

Need Extra Credit? Write a one-page report on the relationship between African Americans and the Communist party in the 1920s.

You may choose to do either an overview or focus on one specific event or aspect of their relationship.

Use reputable sources and cite them.

Homework - Due 4/1

1. Go back to Chapter 13. Why do you think IM joined the Brotherhood in the first
2. Find a significant quote from the fight between Tod Clifton and Ras the Exhorter
from Chapter 17. What is the limitation of the Brotherhood, according to Ras? Explain
using text.
3. Go to page 377. What does Clifton say about history and how does IM react? What
does this tell us about IM’s reasons for staying in the Brotherhood?


Why is the relationship between the Brotherhood and IM complex? Explain using dense sentences and specific textual evidence.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Yam Homework - Due Friday, 3/28

Go back to pages 263 to 267. What are some observations about the scene that the blog writer missed? Brainstorm two or three additional observations you would like to make. Write a six sentence paragraph that makes more insights about the yam incident than the blogger made in two paragraphs.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Work Due Friday, 3/28

Corrections: Patty's Drive-in/Imagery Iceberg; To An Inconstant One

How did your opinion about your section change after Thursday's seminar? (1 page)

Write a one-page essay about a specific balance, tension, contrast that is introduced in the Prologue and Chapter One. Use textual evidence and literary elements.

Last Week's Read20 (on Music)

How can we interpret Norton allegorically?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

Advice to a Prophet Corrections

Use this link to find the poem and questions:


There is an answer key near the end of the document.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Scholarship Opportunity

If you are interested in pursuing a career in the arts (including all performing arts disciplines, arts administration and production), you should apply to this scholarship.  It is due February 26, so act fast!

Samuel H. Scripps BAM Scholarship

Extra Credit

Explain why this is a joke.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February Break HW

Here is a link to the break HW:


If you have any questions, email me at msdame3@gmail.com.

Enjoy your break!

Friday, January 24, 2014

King Lear Trip Information

This unit includes a trip to see a live production of King Lear.  It is mandatory that you attend the trip unless you have a note excusing you because of a legitimate emergency.

Please meet in front of the school at 9:45 am on Tuesday, February 4.  If you have not already submitted it, you must bring your signed Parent Consent form.

I will make a plan for getting you schedules, MetroCards and report cards.  Please email me at msdame3@gmail.com if you want me to be in touch with your guidance counselors about any scheduling issues you planned to discuss that day.

Here is some information about the play.  If you like reading reviews before you see a production, these may provide an illuminating introduction.  If you prefer to be surprised, only click the top link:

Information from BAM's Website

Newsday Review

NYTimes Review

Frank Langella Interview

Regents Week Homework

Please click below for the Regents Week homework.  The formatting works better if you choose to download it.  It is due on Wednesday, February 5.

Regents Week Homework

If the link does not work, email me at msdame3@gmail.com.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Practicing Multiple Choice

For some advice about Multiple Choice, you can search "Multiple Choice Strategies" on this blog.  For practice questions designed by the College Board, use this link:

Course Description

NB*:  Begin on page 60.  The first set of MC questions are for the Language exam.
