Thursday, April 17, 2014

April Break Homework (Due Wed 4/23)

1.     Reading Records
Fill out two reading records thoroughly on two books we have read this year.  You may choose any two from this list:  The Awakening, Great Expectations, Oedipus Rex, King Lear, Invisible Man.

2.     Vocabulary
Review all vocabulary.  Be prepared to take a vocabulary test.  This vocabulary test also requires you to be freshly familiar with two texts from the class.

3.     Essay

Write your BEST possible essay on the prose prompt.  Handwrite it in 45 minutes.  This should be test-quality.  Remember: clear, complex claim, 1:1 rule, variety of literary elements, and strong topic sentences that easily guide the reader through your thinking.

Do the SECOND prompt from this test.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Summary from 4/2 (Due 4/7)

How and why has Invisible Man's view of history changed?  Explain using at least two specific textual details.

Consider these sections:  end of Ch 17, 403-408, 438-444.  These sections alone are sufficient to answer the question, but you are encouraged to use any other evidence you believe is relevant.

4/1 Read20 Questions

Information and Essentials

What pattern does the author notice in IM's adventures?

What are two examples of this pattern?


Choose one of the words from your vocabulary list. Use it in an original sentence about Invisible Man.

Choose one transition you admire and use it in an original sentence about Invisible Man.

Inferences and Connections

IM's encounter with Brockway and his reactions to Clifton's death are both turning points. To what extent are they similar? How does the second turning point represent a new understanding?

Point and Purpose

What are TWO tensions that Ras and the Brotherhood represent? Explain using evidence.