Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Read20 Questions from May 27, 2014

Key Details
Why does Eagleton say the process of finding meaning is "circular"?
How does the fact that every sign is necessarily reproducible affect meaning?
Eagleton says "any such transcendental meaning is a fiction"? Define transcendental in this context.
Why do some scholars say speaking is more pure in meaning than writing? Explain Eagleton's response.
Connections and Inferences
What are two important consequences of post-structuralist theory? Explain them in your own words!
Does Mitchell's text seem to challenge or affirm the basic tenets of post-structuralism? Explain.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Questions for Cloud Atlas - from 5/15 Class

First, choose one of the genres Mitchell uses in the text.

1.  What markers of the genre does Mitchell include to make you know the type of story you are seeing?

2.  In what ways is he possibly poking fun at the genre?  What seems exaggerated and “camp”*?

3. Where does Mitchell breathe life into the genre and invite us to take it seriously?  What does he use the genre to show about people/life?

*deliberately exaggerated and theatrical in style, typically for humorous effect